Real Man - C.410:

Real Man


Why did he suddenly arrange this press conference?

The first thing to do was to slightly resolve the curiosity that arose from the plausible excuse.

-I prepared this press conference to stop the indiscriminate rumors about me that have been spreading recently

Of course, there was no need for a detailed answer to this.

Especially, words that could cause resentment among the public, such as crown prince, owner management, chairman succession, should be avoided directly.

Instead, it was more effective to reveal a productive secret and attract curiosity.

-The reason why I have been secluded for a while was to create a new organization that will lead the future of Hansung Electronics. I want to announce its name for the first time here. It is the Innovation Strategy Office.

The camera flashes exploded incessantly, and Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook delayed his tempo and enjoyed the spotlight.

He was a guy with showmanship after all.

Chuckle. Assistant Manager Lee Chan Hos voice came next to Yoo-hyun, who smiled.

Wow? The organizational chart of the Innovation Strategy Office has already been posted on the internal internet network.

Thats amazing. What kind of organization is it?

I know, right? There is already a Group Strategy Office.

Thats different. This is within Hansung Electronics.

Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook answered the voices of the people who were buzzing.

-Recently, in the first quarter, the mobile phone division recorded its first deficit due to the emergence of smartphones. From this time on, the Innovation Strategy Office plans to completely switch Hansung Electronics mobile phone business to smartphones. To respond quickly, we reorganized the organization first

Every word he threw was a bombshell.

It was also possible because he had already captured Vice Chairman Shin Myung-ho and Vice President Bang Ho-geun, the new head of the mobile phone division.

Yoo-hyun could see how much Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook had walked around and worked hard.

And he also saw the bewildered look of the Group Strategy Office now.

-The wind of innovation is also blowing in the home appliance business. The Innovation Strategy Office plans to introduce smart features by adding IoT, or Internet of Things, to existing home appliances and advance them by one step.

He spoke a little vaguely about this part, perhaps because he had not consulted with Vice President Shin Chun-sik.

Instead, he brought up the concept of Internet of Things, which was still unfamiliar to the public, and made a definite issue making.

With this, for a while, people would think of Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook when they heard about Internet of Things.

Yoo-hyun glanced at the time.

It was just over 10 minutes.

At this point where fatigue reached its peak, he had to throw a decisive move.

-In order to reorganize the core component industry completely for the coming future. Especially, the display industry, which will be the future food source, needs reform at this point.

Buzz buzz.

Was it because display was mentioned?

The inside of the conference room swayed.

On the other hand, Yoo-hyuns face had a smile on it.

Hes still like that.

His posture, tone, and points of emphasis.

There was nothing missing.

It was exactly what Yoo-hyun wanted to resemble and learn from in the past.

Thanks to that, Yoo-hyun was able to greet this moment that he had prepared for a long time with a good feeling.

-To do this, the Innovation Strategy Office plans to spin off the LCD division from Hansung Electronics and make it stand as a global company.

Pop pop pop pop pop

A nuclear bomb statement came out of Executive Director Shin Kyung-wooks mouth, and camera flashes exploded incessantly.

The reporters agitation was caught on camera.

Inside the conference room.

The announcement was not over yet, but Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook received a question at this point as if he had been waiting for it.

The rumors about him were already erased from peoples minds by now.

What is the exact reason for spinning off? I know that there is a lot of internal synergy.

Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook answered smoothly to the reporters question.

He did not forget to look at the front of the camera either.

The LCD divisions sales are larger from other companies than from within Hansung Electronics. As the trend widens over time, we decided that it would be more helpful to compete globally than to increase synergy internally.

Then another reporter raised his hand.

He remembered his face as a reporter who said he was okay with Yoo-hyun.

Executive Director Shin, is spin-off an internally confirmed matter?

No. This part is currently under discussion and we plan to proceed boldly if conditions are met.

What are those conditions?

As soon as he heard the question he had been waiting for, Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook reacted immediately.

By 2011, that is, in less than a year and a half, the LCD divisions sales will surpass the home appliance division.

Buzz buzz.

Is that possible?

Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook flashed his eyes at the question of reporter Oh Eun-bi.

Yes. I am confident. Please watch.

Pop pop pop pop

The camera flashes exploded incessantly again.

If the LCD divisions sales surpass the home appliance division, the LCD division will spin off.

The gamble that Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook put forward brought three big benefits.

First, he buried the rumor with the issue of spin-off.

People no longer paid attention to his succession issue, but to the spin-off issue.

Second, he made the LCD divisions sales the measure of his ability.

He prepared the most reliable way to appeal his skills to the public who recognized him as having nothing to show yet.

Third, he checked the home appliance division, which was in opposition to him.

If the LCD divisions sales surpassed the home appliance division, he would be closer to the chairman succession structure at once.

It was a bonus that he imprinted a strong and progressive image on the public.

Of course, all this was based on the premise that his gamble worked.

If he fails?

He would be further away from the chairmans seat than now when he did nothing.

Thats how much risk he took on right now.

It was enough to make peoples mouths not close in the conference room on the 13th floor.

Manager Kim Hyun-min asked urgently.

How much is our sales?

A little less than 5 trillion won.

Team Leader Choi Min-hee answered and asked back right away.

What about the home appliance division?

It will be over 8 trillion won.

Do we have to double it in a year and a half?

Thats also assuming that the home appliance division maintains its status quo.


Manager Kim Hyun-min stuck out his tongue at Team Leader Choi Min-hees words.

The others also had the same expression as if they couldnt imagine it.

It was understandable, because the position of the home appliance division within Hansung Electronics was so solid.

The home appliance divisions sales were so high that the mobile phone division couldnt catch up even when it was doing well.

Yoo-hyun said to his team members.

Dont worry. Thats why were doing this right now. Junsik.

Yes, sir.

Jang Junsik, who quickly understood Yoo-hyuns gesture, displayed a report on the screen.

-LCD Division Panel Identity Integration Plan

Did the report title that he had seen countless times look different?


A tension that had never been before circulated in the conference room.

Executive Director Shin Kyung-wooks sudden press conference caused quite a stir.

The words he emphasized were turned into articles in real time.

Among them, the hottest potato was the LCD division spin-off story.

Related news was plastered as the rumors about Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook disappeared.

Related articles continued to pour out even after the press conference was over.

At that time, in the LCD division head office.

The press conference was over, but Vice President Lim Jun-pyo couldnt take his eyes off the TV for a long time.

When he turned his gaze, Executive Director Heo Jun-gang instinctively bowed his head.

Executive Director Heo, lets talk later.

Yes. Ah, okay. Ill go ahead and see.

Executive Director Heo Jun-gang also had at least some sense.

If he accidentally moved his mouth in this atmosphere, he might lose his neck in one shot.

He bowed his head and quietly left.

Left alone.

Vice President Lim Jun-pyo smiled meaningfully as he recalled Executive Director Shin Kyung-wooks words.

He bet his neck on spinning off the LCD division. Its worth a try.

Then he clenched his fist with a feeling of fighting spirit that he hadnt felt in a while.

Unlike the quiet LCD division head office, the Group Strategy Office was no different from a battlefield.

The leader of the Group Strategy Office, Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak, was also not free from that situation.

Yes, maam. Ill take care of it right away. Yes. Dont worry.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair after hanging up the phone.

Sitting on the sofa, Senior Manager Song Ho-chan couldnt even turn his head.

Executive Director Yoon Ju-taks irritated voice echoed.

What did you do following him to the press conference?

They tricked us with the location and leaked it, so we couldnt.

Other major reporters all attended well, but is that what you have to say?

Im sorry.

Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak, who had been calm and cool, messed up his neatly combed white hair.

He says hell create an Innovation Strategy Office, he says hell change the mobile phone business strategy, what else? Spin-off? This is completely ignoring the Group Strategy Office, isnt it?

Are we just going to take this?

Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak asked and Senior Manager Song Hyun-seung floundered.

No. Well do whatever we can to stop the LCD divisions sales.

Move right away. Ill look into the home appliance division side.

Yes. I understand.

Senior Manager Song Hyun-seung quickly ran out.

Executive Director Yoon Ju-tak narrowed his eyes as he tapped on the table.

Shin Kyung-wook, youre coming out like this?

Meanwhile, in the chairmans office located on the 40th floor of Hansung Tower.

Chairman Shin Hyun-ho, who had an impressive appearance with a big nose, big ears, and a big physique in general, opened his mouth.

That bastard Kyung-wook told me to give him Electronics shares and he would give me management rights after spinning off the LCD division.

Did he say that much?

His brother, Vice Chairman Shin Myung-ho, asked and he laughed.

Hehe. Yeah. That nice guy. He seems to have made up his mind this time.

Yes, brother. It definitely seems different this time.

A tiger cub is a tiger cub.

Chairman Shin Hyun-hos meaningful words made Vice Chairman Shin Myung-ho ask.

Im going to watch what Kyung-wook does from behind for now.

Yeah. Just support him up to a reasonable point. And then let him do it on his own.

It might not be easy. It seems like he took too much of a gamble this time.

Vice Chairman Shin Myung-ho had seen his nephews burden and impatience through the press conference.

On the other hand, Chairman Shin Hyun-hos unique sense gave a different answer.

What if its true? What if LCD really surpasses home appliances?

That would be really interesting. It could change the whole game.

Hehe. Yeah. This is fun, Ill see something interesting in my old age.

A thick smile appeared on Chairman Shin Hyun-hos mouth.

This chapter is updat𝙚d by f(r)eewebn(o)

