Real Man - C.535:

Real Man


Yoo-hyun looked at his colleague with disbelief.

“What a funny guy.”

“You still have a long way to go to catch up with me. Oh, I’ll write the email content.”

“Aren’t you supposed to brag about it? Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Don’t I have to do this much to get the director to buy us a drink for the creation of the organization?”

“That’s a good attitude, Team Leader Kwon.”

Yoo-hyun gave a thumbs up to his colleague who seemed to lighten up.

That afternoon, an email was sent with Yoo-hyun as the sender.

CTO Park Bum-jin, who received the content, was dumbfounded.

“What is this? Is Hong saying he wants to compete with us right now?”

“It seems like the Strategic Product Group is determined to push the Future Technology TF.”

The executive director of the research center, who was sitting across from him, asked Park Bum-jin.

“Do you have the results of the semiconductor display technology review?”

“Yes. The results are negative. I’ll review all the cases again just in case.”

“Good. Let’s see what they have to say at the TF launch ceremony.”

Park Bum-jin gritted his teeth.

The director of the production technology center was also outraged.

“Good grief. Is this all the president can do? It’s obvious that the productivity is zero. Why does he want us to do it?”

The head of the mobile business also showed a negative reaction.

“He said he would do OLED, which is impossible, and now he’s doing semiconductor display? He’s wasting all the money he made with LCD.”

The director of the Japanese research center also shook his head after checking the content.

“Sony has given up on micro LED and is doing mini LED.”

The person in charge of management innovation was also worried from a different perspective.

“It’s hard enough to deal with the invested funds, but I wonder if he’s going to build another useless factory.”

There was no positive view anywhere.

They were all looking forward to the day of the TF launch ceremony.

The Future Technology TF had appeared on the company system, but it was not officially launched.

It was not even announced yet, but somehow they knew and contacted him.

-Congratulations, Team Leader Han. Well, I should call you director now.

“It’s thanks to your help, senior. I hope to work well with you in the future.”

Starting with Kim Seon-dong, Yoo-hyun had to receive quite a lot of calls.

Of course, not all of them were good calls.

Due to the ripple effect of the email, he kept getting inquiries about the technology.

Even now, after work, when he stopped by a nearby intestine restaurant, the phone kept ringing.

Ring. Ring.


Yoo-hyun switched his phone to silent mode and put it in his pocket.

Kwon Se-jung, who was sitting next to him, asked.

“Why don’t you answer it?”

“I’m off work. I want to skip the work calls.”

“It must be a really big deal. Even people who don’t know anything about it are calling.”

“Don’t you think they want to kill me for giving them work?”

From the perspective of the workers, it was a situation where an absurd task had fallen on them.

Since the higher-ups were sharpening their knives, they couldn’t get out of it.

In other words, it was annoying.

Yoo-hyun’s words made Kwon Se-jung shrug his shoulders.

“Haha. The group leader will cover for us.”

“Kid, you learned well. In that sense, how about a drink?”

Yoo-hyun lifted his glass, and Kwon Se-jung and Jang Jun-sik also lifted theirs.


“Yes, sir.”


The three people who had a lot to talk about at work drank happily.

They had shared a lot of stories at work, but it was different when they came out.

With alcohol, they poured out the stories that had been piled up.

“When I was in the Innovation Strategy Office…”

“I experienced this at the last exhibition…”

“I learned this through the Group Strategy Office…”

Updated from freewёbnoν

The stories of each individual moved to the organization, and naturally, the acquisition of Shinwa Semiconductor came up.

The acquisition of Shinwa Semiconductor was the link between the Future Technology TF and the Innovation Strategy Office.

They also knew that it was something that had to be done first in the plan.

Kwon Se-jung thought of his seniors in the Innovation Strategy Office and said.

“They’re all working hard to sort out the Shinwa Semiconductor acquisition. They’re probably still working right now.”

“I know, they’re having a hard time. I also know that they’ve made a lot of progress.”

“The key is to lower the acquisition price, right?”

“Right. That’s the only way we can make the acquisition possible.”

Yoo-hyun nodded at Kwon Se-jung’s question.

Han Sung Group had considered acquiring Shinwa Semiconductor five years ago.

Chairman Shin Hyun-ho stepped in, but it was eventually canceled due to political issues.

The maximum amount that Han Sung Group had set at the time was 1 trillion won.

If they could match it to 1.5 trillion won at the current price?

They thought it was possible to persuade the internal people, including Chairman Shin Hyun-ho.

Kwon Se-jung, who emptied his glass, asked.

“Is it because they’re asking for too much that Micron can’t acquire them?”

“They’re probably holding on to their weakness and pulling it. They must think they can’t hold on.”

“Then finding that weakness precisely is important. If we want to lower the price, too.”

“Exactly. You have a good sense.”

Yoo-hyun raised his thumb, and Kwon Se-jung went one step further.

“I thought so, too. But it’s a bit strange.”

“What is?”

“Actually, if that’s the case, there’s no reason to push ourselves so hard.”

Kwon Se-jung’s words were not wrong.

If they just wanted to help with the acquisition of Shinwa Semiconductor, they didn’t need to make such a fuss, pushing other departments.

They could have done it with a little imitation.

Yoo-hyun, who was fiddling with his glass, looked up and looked at the two people.

-Yoo-hyun, I want to work with you for a long time. I’ll work harder.

-I want to grow more so that I can stay with you longer, sir.

He faced the two people who always gave him strength and motivation, the cool colleagues and juniors he wanted to work with.

He revealed his true intentions to the two people he wanted to stay with.

“The acquisition of Shinwa Semiconductor is a middle process, not the real purpose of doing this.”

“Then what is it?”

“I want to make this company properly for once.”

It was right after Yoo-hyun finished speaking.

Kwon Se-jung, his deputy, smirked.

“You made a good choice to come back to the display team.”


“You’re now the second-in-command of an organization with a great vision. Right, third-in-command?”

“I don’t care if I’m the third or the hundredth. I’ll follow you to the end, sir.”

Following Kwon Se-jung, Jang Jun-sik also expressed his ambition out of the blue.

Yoo-hyun chuckled at his ever-loyal junior.

“Jun-sik, you should stop following and start leading. You’re the third-in-command, after all.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll show you a more improved version of myself.”

Yoo-hyun put his hand on Jang Jun-sik’s shoulder, full of spirit, and lifted his glass.

“We’ll be busy starting from tomorrow. We’ll face a lot of obstacles and challenges. And we’ll be looked down on by others, since we’re a small team.”

“Don’t worry. We’re prepared for that.”

“I’m fine, too. I’ll work harder.”

Yoo-hyun extended his glass to the second and third-in-command, who showed their determination.


The three glasses naturally met in the center.

“Alright. Since we’re in this together, let’s do our best. For the Future Technology TF…”

Yoo-hyun was about to propose a toast, riding the mood, when he was interrupted by a loud voice from behind.

“What are you doing here? Are you plotting something in my territory?”

The first ones to react were Kwon Se-jung and Jang Jun-sik.

“Director Kim.”

“Good day, sir.”

“What brings you here?”

Yoo-hyun turned around and asked Kim Hyun-min, the director, who looked dumbfounded.

“What brings me here? You’re the one who turned the company upside down with one email, and you’re asking me?”

“I was worried when you didn’t answer the phone. Why are you acting like this?”

Choi Min-hee, the team leader, nudged his side, and Kim Hyun-min flared up.

“When did I?”

“You kept asking me where he went.”

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, joined in, and Kim Hyun-min pretended not to know.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, can we sit here?”

“Of course. You came to pay for the drinks, so we have to give you a seat.”

Yoo-hyun quickly brought a chair from the next table, and Kim Hyun-min clicked his tongue.

“Wow. This guy, he never ceases to amaze me.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Yoo-hyun replied with a good-natured smile, and swiftly filled three more glasses with his lightning-fast hands.

Then he raised his glass first.

“Then, to celebrate our gathering, I’ll propose a toast.”

“Go ahead. As long as you don’t say anything about the drinks, I’ll listen.”

Kim Hyun-min grumbled and lifted his glass, and soon six glasses were gathered.

They were all people who had a close connection with Yoo-hyun.

In front of his wonderful colleagues, Yoo-hyun said one word.

“To Director Kim Hyun-min, who will help and support the Future Technology TF with his hands and feet, cheers.”



Kim Hyun-min, who clinked his glass reluctantly, looked incredulous.

“Is this kid trying to mess with me?”


Everyone laughed happily, looking at Kim Hyun-min.

That day, the first dinner of the Future Technology TF was filled with laughter until the end.

The next morning, a nameplate of the Future Technology TF was attached to the office door.

It was not a big deal, but it had a symbolic meaning that the organization was created.

To congratulate this, many people came to the 11th floor office one by one.

Jo Mi-ran, the deputy, who handed a grass doll to Yoo-hyun, was one of them.

Yoo-hyun smiled broadly as he took it.

“Why did you bring something like this?”

“I felt like I had to bring something, since your office is in a room. It feels like visiting a new house.”

“Everyone says that and brings something. Oh? There’s a name tag on the doll, too?”

Yoo-hyun examined the grass doll in a small pot and asked with wide eyes. Jo Mi-ran pointed at one of the three.

“Yes. This one has the biggest eyes and the most handsome face, so it’s yours, sir. Please water it well. It will look cool when it grows.”

“Haha. I’ll take good care of it.”

Yoo-hyun, who smiled pleasantly, lined up the three grass dolls by the window.

They had the names of Han Yoo-hyun, Kwon Se-jung, and Jang Jun-sik on them.

The grass dolls were smiling brightly.

Thanks to them, the office felt brighter.

Of course, Yoo-hyun didn’t just receive things.

He didn’t give as much as he received, but he showed his sincerity.

“Team leader, please have some rice cake.”

“Oh, this is shiru rice cake. When did you prepare this?”

Choi Min-hee, the team leader, who took the rice cake, asked in surprise. Yoo-hyun gestured to the side.

“It was Jun-sik’s idea. He’s good at taking care of these things.”

“True. He even performed a ritual with a real pig’s head when we went to see Han, the director.”

“Haha. That’s right. I have all kinds of experiences thanks to him.”

“It’s fun and nice, isn’t it? It won’t be easy, but enjoy your work. I’ll help you anytime.”

“Then I’ll count on you.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly and shook Choi Min-hee’s hand.

After that, many people took the rice cake and promised their support.

Yoo-hyun felt anew that what he gave came back to him.

After a fairly long time of greeting the visitors, it was only the three of them left in the office.

Kwon Se-jung stuck out his tongue.

“It felt like a housewarming party.”

“Right. You guys worked hard. Especially you, Jun-sik. You did a lot.”

“No, sir. I didn’t do anything.”

Jang Jun-sik kept glancing at the monitor, as if he was sorry.

He looked anxious, but there was no need to rush from the start.

“You even sorted out the emails. That’s enough.”

Yoo-hyun comforted Jang Jun-sik, and Kwon Se-jung said a word.

“There were a lot of emails. Especially from the CTO side.”

“They’re in a hurry, so that’s understandable.”

“But I wonder if it’s okay to leave them hanging like this.”


“They have a lot of connections with the Future Product Research Lab, don’t they? I think we need their help somehow.”

Using the CTO staff to move the Future Product Research Lab?

Yoo-hyun asked his colleague, who spit out a tempting idea.

“Do you have a plan in mind?”

“Only roughly.”

“Let’s hear it.”


Kwon Se-jung asked, and Yoo-hyun went straight ahead.

